energy healing + psychic reading

Receive a total energetic reset! Full chakra clearing, energy reading, oracle reading and psychic guidance.


reiki energy healing

Feel super clear and like someone's pressed a reset button on your energy! Feel the transformative power of Reiki as it dissolves stress, anxiety, and negative energy, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.


Psychic reading

During the healing, I ask for psychic messages from your guides. You will receive guidance on any questions you have and what to do next on your journey.


oracle card pull

During the healing, I connect with your higher self through oracle cards. This will further tell me any information your guides would like you to know.



 After your purchase, you will receive a form to let me know any particular questions/areas of interest you'd like me to explore in the healing. Your reading will then be completed + recording sent to you within 7 days.


Do i need to be present for the healing?

Nope! I will be completing your healing completely remotely. Distance healing is SO powerful (in fact, I find it even more effective than in-person healing!)

How will the session work?

Your healing will be completed within 7 days of purchase. I will message you when I am about to begin the healing (although you do not need to be present- you could be at work etc and will still feel the same effects). I will complete the healing, recording the messages I receive for you, and send you your recording via email.

CAN I ASK certain questions?

Of course! Once you complete your purchase, you will receive a form to complete. Here, you can let me know your intention for the healing, where you would like me to focus on, any questions you have for your guides and any areas of your life you'd like me to explore.